Mantario Marathon

A 2-day, 63K, Self-Supported Mantario Trail Fat-Ass event (Walk - Run - Trek)

since 1980

Annually, on the Last Full Weekend of September

A Fat Ass event--No fee, no aid, no swag, no whining.

Manitoba's oldest ultra. Manitoba's oldest trail running race.

Manitoba's only 2-day, staged race.

Mantario Trail from Caddy Lake Trailhead to Big Whiteshell Trailhead. Camp Halfway at Moosehead Lake.

Mantario Trail

South to North

Mantario Trail

Caddy Lake to Big Whiteshell

Mantario Trail

Elevation Change about 100 m

Mantario Trail

Elevation Loss & Gain >1500 m

© 2024 Mantario Marathon. All rights reserved.
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